ECM helps customers focus on financially-viable microgrid solutions. Our deep experience with onsite renewable generation, cogeneration, demand response and energy storage – along with our wholesale procurement capabilities – uniquely position us to assist larger clients thinking about developing their own microgrids.

Maximizing microgrid profitability through insights, integration, and expertise

Go beyond cutting costs. ECM can help you generate revenue in new and unexpected ways through microgrids.

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Active pursuit of revenue through passive energy capture
Forward-thinking companies like yours see things others don’t. And they align themselves with partners who do the same. ECM understands the strategy and the execution of unlocking savings and earning potential from your own microgrid installation.

Our in-depth knowledge of today’s most advanced Distributed Energy Resources (DER) technologies and comprehensive wholesale electric procurement capabilities are unique.  They’re the combination you need to develop, optimize and monetize your microgrid strategy.

The full spectrum of microgrid management offerings includes:

  • Survey of technical and financial opportunities
  • Development of energy projects from initial strategy to financial viability
  • Coordination of engineering design
  • Securing available incentives
  • Confirming capital expenses via contractor management
  • Finalizing expected financial performance via pro forma
  • Operate and own DER assets, when strategically beneficial

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Increase energy reliability and maximize earnings potential
ECM has deep expertise in thermal and battery energy storage and generation solutions. Combined with our deep experience in bidding and scheduling DER assets directly into multiple markets – coupled with demand response opportunities – we provide a seamless, efficient, value-rich solution.

Let’s talk about ECM’s Microgrid Feasibility Study.
Working together with true transparency as your energy partner, we can help you:

  • Review microgrid technologies best suited to your enterprise goals
  • Analyze income-producing DER resource activities based on available energy market opportunities
  • Model financial impacts of proposed projects

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