ECM can help your organization realize additional savings through demand response programs. We work with you to develop the most efficient blend of demand response techniques, delivering the greatest financial reward while ensuring safe and reliable performance within your operational capabilities.

Optimizing demand response to maximize additional savings.

Balancing strategic forecasting of energy consumption with optimal tactical responses for load shedding and/or emergency demand response is yet another unique strength of ours.  The ECM demand side energy management team will identify appropriate demand response programs, estimate potential curtailable loads, and maximize potential savings through a comprehensive understanding of program parameters.

Specifically, ECM will:

  • Complete all computations to determine base load and curtailment amounts
  • Complete all transactions at the ISO/Utility level to participate in demand response events
  • Maintain all meter data for demand response events and tests
  • Complete all filings with the ISO/Utility to participate in demand response
  • Assist with customer notification from the ISO/Utility and complete all reporting to the ISO/Utility for tests and events
  • Verify payments to client participants from the ISO/Utility for demand response

By participating in ECM wholesale market activities, you can secure direct discounts off your monthly wholesale capacity invoice rather than waiting for payouts from separate service providers. This can improve cash flow and ensure that savings stay within your electric budget bucket.